If you look at the top news stories of the year, 2016 was kind of a downer. Fortunately, we’re here to reflect back on the top recruitment posts. Way less depressing, trust me. From reaching candidates via text message to
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If you look at the top news stories of the year, 2016 was kind of a downer. Fortunately, we’re here to reflect back on the top recruitment posts. Way less depressing, trust me. From reaching candidates via text message to
Continue readingArmy veteran. West Point grad. Ironman. Marathon runner. When a candidate like this comes across your desk, you can’t help but be impressed. But what if the same candidate also has a 5-year career gap from her time as a
Continue readingToday we’re continuing our look at professionals who – either by choice or by chance – have taken unconventional paths to career success. We’ve all seen those resumes, the ones that have more plot twists than a New York Times
Continue readingSay a resume comes across your desk and the candidate’s career path seems so erratic you think their career GPS must have failed them at some point. Do you cast it aside in favor of a someone with a more
Continue readingWith the 2016 Summer Olympics kicking off this Friday evening, we’ve been reminiscing about past Olympics and wondering what incredible stories will come out of this year’s games. And then (because we can’t help ourselves) we started thinking about how
Continue readingBad news. It seems to be everywhere these days. At home and abroad, there are no shortage of scary, horrifying, discouraging stories. With all this negativity swirling around, it’s easy to get distracted and have trouble focusing on everyday things
Continue readingHow many times did you check your phone this morning before you ever sat down at a computer? If you’re like most Americans, the answer is at least once (but probably more). According to a recent Deloitte study, 78% of
Continue readingEmployee perks are getting pretty sweet at some companies – but that doesn’t mean their employees appreciate it. Recently a friend was venting to me about his coworker, who had spent the better part of the day complaining about missing
Continue readingWhen’s the last time one of your employees told you what they really thought? For Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman, the answer is last week. That’s when 25-year-old Talia Jane, a member of Yelp/Eat24’s customer support team, posted an open letter
Continue readingTHE INTERN Movie Trailer © 2015 – Warner Bros The most common conflict we see between the current generations in the workforce is actually one that isn’t new: the older generation thinks the younger generation isn’t fit to work. While
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