The eagerly awaited — or dreaded, depending on who you are — release of Google for Jobs is finally out there. For better or worse, Google is now in the job board business. Unless you’ve been living under a rock,
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The eagerly awaited — or dreaded, depending on who you are — release of Google for Jobs is finally out there. For better or worse, Google is now in the job board business. Unless you’ve been living under a rock,
Continue readingWant to get more responses to your job ads? You can advertise in more places. If you are paying based on performance you can raise your bid. But, there is one thing you can do that doesn’t cost anything and
Continue readingThe much awaited Apple Watch is out! At Nexxt, we don’t want to waste a second, so we’ve already started designing our Smartwatch Smartalerts. It may take a little while for technology and the market to catch up, but why
Continue readingYears ago, in those grim days after the .com bubble imploded, I worked with an insanely talented and dedicated head of engineering. One day the fire alarm in our building went off. While most people scurried to grab their phones
Continue readingConfidence is great, but there is such a thing as TOO confident. It’s fun, however, to imagine an interview in which we say whatever we feel like. . . If you’ve noticed, I am the first person to arrive at
Continue readingAre you hiring the best candidate for the job, or are you hiring the candidate who sold him/herself the best for the job? We perform over 10,000 resume critiques daily, and conduct research and surveys to better understand candidate attitudes
Continue readingAre you preparing to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast? Perhaps you aren’t even working the day before Thanksgiving, taking off an extra day to prepare. Not to put a damper on the holiday, but it’s worth remembering that while we are
Continue readingOn Wednesday, a group of Nexxt-ers organized “Weinlick Wednesday.” I dressed up, wearing a button-down and tie even though I had no outside meetings. And, everyone else wore a black t-shirt and jeans. [Photo: Weinlick Wednesday crew with Joe Weinlick
Continue readingFOR SALE: Carbonated beverage. Contains water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring, phoshoric acid, natural flavors and caffeine. May provide energizing refreshment to end user who has acquired a taste. Mmmmm. Want to run out and buy a Coke? Of
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